Join the team

How to join

We are currently accepting applications for new members.

JOIN johnnie means aquatics

"*" indicates required fields

Your Purpose*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Families are encouraged to register through this link. You will be contacted by a coach to complete an evaluation for each swimmer. Registration will be approved after evaluation and coach approval.

All swimmers can drop from the team at any time during the year, provided proper notice is given to the Registrar. You must submit your written notification via email to JMA Registrar, [email protected]. Your notification will only be valid if you receive e-mail acknowledgement of your request by the third calendar day from the end of the month (e.g. 28th in a 31 day month; 27th in a 30 day month; and 25th in a 28 day month). EMAIL IS THE REQUIRED METHOD. If your swimmer drops and rejoins during the same year, you must pay a $50 reinstatement fee. You may do this as many times as you like provided there is still room in the training group.

*Registration will be approved after the evaluation.